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2007-07-31 09:03:51
<Correct the wrong sentences>
The actress let the reporters to ask her questions.
I'd better not to waste any more of your time.
He's not enough mature to be given so much responsibility.
I was made enter the room by myself.
I must have someone to carry the box for me.
I cannot but to feel sorry for his failure.
Company rules forbace us smoke in the factory.
Are all of us necessary to be present at the meeting this afternoon?
She did nothing but to cry all day long.
Let it be not done.
Could I get you do me a small favor?
I've found advantageous to combine my business trip with my vacation.
He is reported to be killed in the war.
I expect seeing hime on Monday.
I did not konw to whom ask the questions of.
She allowed herselff to kiss by him.
He always enjoys to read a  detective story.
You should have known better than believe such a foolish thing.

<Compare two sentences>
1. She did not try to smile.
    She tried not tp smile.

2.She has no one to talk to in the city.
   She has no one to talk to her in the city.

3.Do you have anything to write?
  Do you have anything to write with?
  Do you have anything to write on?

4.There is nothing to see.
   There is nothing to be seen.

5.I hoped to see him again.
  I hoped to have seen him again.

<Match the same>
a. To err is human, to forgive divine.
b. The boy grew up to be a great musician.
c. You have no neet to go there.
d. To be frank, John, you've not suitable for the job.
e. He must be foolish to be have like that.

A.He is not a man to do things by halves.
B.He left his home, never to return.
C.What a good scholar he must be to write such a splendid book!
D.I know what it is to be in debt.
E.To make matters worse, it grew dark.
F.The noise grew and grew to fill the whole building.

<Fill the blanks>
"would you  like to have dinner with me tonight?"
"I'd like (     ), but I'm sorry I have a previous engagement."

This situation is (              )tough for her alone to cope with.
He was the first (             )come and the last  (                 ) leave the office.
The hot weather is partly (             ) blame for the water shortage.
I'm sorry not to (              )answered your letter sooner.

<Fill the blanks and make the sentences the same>
1. In the first place, you must call on her at her house.
   To begin (      ), you must call on her at her house.

2.You were foolish t agree to his proposal.
   It was foolish (      ) (        ) to agree to his proposal.

3.It seems comfprtable to sleep in this bed.
  This bed seems comfortable (        ) sleep (          ).

4.It is likely that our team will win the soccer game.
   Our team is (                 ) (         ) win the soccer game.

5.I stepped aside so that the fat lady could pass.
  I stepped aside (     ) the fat lady (     ) pass.

6.He is not too old to learn.
  He is (       ) so old that he can (               ) learn.

<Make the sentences a simple sentence to use Infinitive>
It seems that she was beautiful in her day.
Do you promise that you'll never repeat what I've just said?
I expected that you would be promoted to the new position.
I hoped that I would finish the work by six, but I could not do so.
It is natural that you should get angry.
It is believed that he is living a comfortable life.
I firmly believed that he had been innocent of the crime.
I hurried to the station lest I should be late for the train.
It is desirable that the examination results be made public by then.
I regret that I must inform you of this sad news.
The state-fo-the-art equipment was so expensive that we couldn't buy it.
He left Korea and never returned.
He tried, but only failed.
Actors are usually the kind of people who love being the center of attention.
She had no mmoney that she could send to her son.
They were surprised when they saw such beautiful scenery.
Tom, it's time you should wash up and go to bed.
She had no friend with whom she could talk about the matter.
I worked hard but could not carry out my plan.
I would be glad if I had the chance to meet her face-to-face.
To my astonishment, I found him bankrupt.
The colonel ordered that all his officers should attend thd parade.
It happened that I sat beside her in the theater.

<Make the simply sentences the complex sentences>
Do you wish me to make a complaint about it?
He believes me to have been in the wrong.
I got to the station too late to catch the train.
He is tall enough to touch the ceiling.
His bravery was such as to startle the world.
What is the first thing to be done?
The commander ordered the deserter to be shot.
We're sure to see you again before your departure.

<Correct the words in the blanks>
Can you manage (finish) packing those parcels by yurself?
It would be better (persuade) him (work) rather than to force him.
It's a pity you failed to see the film. You ought to (see) it; it was so wonderful.
He felt himself (lift) up.
The rain caused the weeds (grow) fast.
She likes to have the house (look) clean and tidy.
I never hear her (praise), and there are few (love) her.
You must take it upon yourself (get) through with the work.
(Think) my own brother has betrayed me!
We'll have the house (paint) green.
Nothing was to (see) but water.

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   Tense ¹®Á¦


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