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2007-08-06 13:51:25
I expect him to travel a lot this year.
It is impossible for you to solve the question.
I count on you to help me with this work.
It is time for you to go to bed.
I work hard for my family to live   in comfort.
It is not easy to speak several languages fluently.
It was a bit careles of her to break two glasses.

At eight o'clock Jane heard him go out.
What makes you think so?
We cannot but feel disgusted with his rudenss.
He did nothing but laugh without saying a word.
You had better consult a doctor.

This problem is too important for me alone to handle.
This book is easy enough for me to read.
I was told not to trust what I read in the newspapers.
You may go if you want go.
To think that such a little boy should have done it!
You are to blame for it.

*Translate the following into Korean.
Smoking cigarettes can cause heart disease.
It is throwing your money away.
I've enjoyed talking to you.
Thank you for answering so promptly.
Tickets for a sleeping  car are double the price.

I am sure of his being a man of ability.
I am sure of his having been a man of ability in his youth.
I don't like being asked to make a speech.
I never heard of such a thing having been done.

Asking questions is not a shame.
I object to marrying her.
I object to his(him) marrying her.
I object to my son marrying her.

Prices continue rising.=Prices continue to rise.
She rememvers seeing him before.
Please remember to give my best regards to your wife.
I finished correcting my cmposition.
They hope to visit us next year.

There is no accounting for his prolonged absence.
It is no use your arguing with him.
I could not help pitying him.
This is the tree of my own planting.
On seeing the cop, the thief took to his heels.
It goes without saying that ships can't rival aircraft for speed.
Our flower bed needs weeding.

*Choose the correct word
Have you finished (to send, sending, sent) e-mails?
All he employees were busy (to do, doing) their various tasks.
Would you mind me (to sit, sitting) by you?
You must stop (thinking, to think) before you act.
Please remember (to call, calling) on me again.
You'll soon get used to (drive, driving)your new car.
I look forward to (recive, receiving) your reply as soon as possible.
Somehow I feel like (to cancel, canceling) the contrract.
(At, In, On)finding the news true, she began to cry.
This pencil needs (sharpening, to sharpen).

*Make the wrong parts correct
He insisted to go for a  drive in this stormy weather.
His disability prevents him to walk.
Unless you two stop to fight, I'll call the police.
She pretended being interested, but I could see she wasn't.
I remember to scream for hours when I was a baby.
Are you sure of he will investigate it fairly?
No one has ever succeeded to explain this phenomenon.
It is no good to try to bribe the policeman.
She came near to drown in the lake.
I don't care running the risk.
She devoted herself to look after him.
You will have to speak a little louder. He is hard to hear.
He is above to do such a mean thing.
I never see you without think of my brother.
He regrets being not able to help me.

*Which one is Gerund?
a sleeping baby                          a dining car
a sleeping bag                           a magnifying glass
a neighboring village                   a swimming suit

*What is the difference between  A and B?
(1)a. I hate lying.                                            b.I hate to lie
(2)a.I like swimming.                                       b.I like to swim now.
(3)a.she went on saying.                                 b.She went on to say.
(4)a.Try to do so.                                            b.Try doing so.
(5)a.He is sure of success.                              b.He is sure to succeed.

*Fill in the blanks.
This picture is(         ) her won painting.
The witness denied (            ) seen the accused.
In this newspaper only the TV listings and the sports page are (       )reading.
I have no doubt (      ) his succeeding.
I cannot (       ) laughing at your sily idea.
The glass is very fragile; it needs (                  ) with care.

*Make the sentences the same
(1) I make it a rule of read the Bible every day.
     I make a point of _______________________________________________.
(2)The company was about to declare bankruptcy.
    The company was on the verge of ____________________________________.
(3)He was caught while he was stealing.
    He was caught in the act of __________________________________________.
(4)Needless to say, the patient needs an immediate blood transfusion.
    It goes without _________________________________________________.

*Make the verbs in the blanks correct.
Please excuse my (be) late.
You should practice (play) the poano regularly.
We've had to postpone (go) to France for two weeks.
I repent I have followed) his advice.
Finally we decided not (invest )much money in th project.
You'd better avoid (go) shopping on Saturdays.
He went over to America with the view of (study) physics.

*Make the following sentences  complex sentences by using Gerund
I'm so proud that my son's been chosen for the national team.
He was not ashamed that he had cheated on his wife.
He still insists that he did nothing wrong.
We have no doubt that he is sick in bed.
As soon as her car arrived, the crowd started cheering.
He was nervous because he had not spoken in public before.
i don't like you to lie in bed till late on Sunday morning.
He not only holds an important office, but often writes good novels.
Is this also a picture that you have drawn by yourself?
Whenever I meet him, I think of his dead father.
She repented that she had spanked her child and promised never to do it again.
I remember that you promised me to do so.
He denied that he had told a lie.
He always complains that his boss is useless and he has too much work.
That he has such poor health is against him.
It is impossible to deny that this has been a difficult year for him.
Though he was very learned, he lacked comon sense.
There is every reason why you should be displeased.
Will you be so kind as to help me carry this suitcase?
I didn't go myself, but sent my representative.
I cannot but think that he is still alive.
His mother scolded him because he broke her favorite vase.
Let's take a walk for a while after dinner, shall we?
when we learn a foreign language, it is necessary to advace step by step.
Be polite when you speak to others.
I've always regretted that I didn't  study harder at school.

*Make the following sentences complex sentences
I forgot the doctor advising me not to eat salty foods.
She is proud of having won the first prize in the beauty contest.
He started early with the intention of getting a good seat.
I'm convinced of her telling the truth
Do you mind my opening the window?
All the lights go out on the clock striking ten.
I don't think it fair your speaking ill of him.
Is there any possibility of his succeeding in raising enough funds?

*Change the words in the blanks
So far from poverty (be) a misfortune, it may, by vigorous self-help, (convert) into a blessing.

Animals do all they have to do without (teach).
A book which is worth (read) at all is likely to (read) more than once.
His composition was far from (satisfy) his teacher.
She got a little money by (let) others (paint) pictures of her.

A man who picks up and reads any book that he happens to come across,is in great danger of )become) weary of teading or (poison) by it.

(Go) by plane I do not consider as traveling at all' it is merely (send) to a place, and very little different from becoming a parcel.

Man is sometimes more generous when he has little money than when he has plenty; perhaps to prevent his(think) to have but little.

*Translate the following into English
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