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2009-01-04 20:09:38
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The Romance of a Busy Broker
At 8 o'clock in the morning, Harvey Maxwell, a busy New York broker, rushed to his office with his secretary, Miss Leslie.
He sat down and began to open the letters on his desk.
This morning, Miss Leslie looked happier than before.
She didn't go to her desk outside right away but stayed in his office for a while.
The man at the desk was no longer a human being.
He was like a machine.
"Well, what is it?" asked Maxwell sharply.
"Nothin," answered the secretary.
She moved away with a little smile.
Today was Maxwell's busy day.
The telephone kept ringing, and people began to pour into the office.
Maxwell jumped around in the office. He jumped from letters to phone, and from phone to door.
Around lunch hour, Maxwell enjoyed some peace.
He stood by his desk.
His hands were full of letters, and a pen was over his left ear.
His window was open.
A wonderful smell of lilac came through the window.
It came from Miss Leslie!
Suddenly he realized he loved Miss Leslie.
"That's it! I'll do it now. I'll ask her now. Why didn't I do it long ago?" said Maxwell.
Maxwell ran to his secretary's desk.
She looked at him with a smile.
"Miss Leslie, would you marry me?
Answer me now, please. I have to go back to my desk right away.My phone is ringing." At first, the secretary looked surprised.
She looked at him and smiled.
"Don't you remember, Harvey? We got married last night at eight o'clock in the little church around the corner."

What's in the Ads?
Every day, we see about five hundred advertisements.
Advertisers use many techniques to selll their products.
Here are some of the techniques that they use.

Technique1 James Dean Blue Jeans

If a famous person uses a product, we want to buy the product.
For example, when we see James Dean model a brand of blue jeans in an ad, we wnat to buy the brand because he is famous.
Sometimes, the famous person may not use the advertised product.
For example, a famous singer may drink a brand of cola in an ad, but in reality he may not even like it at all.

Technique 2  You don't want to be different.

People don't want to be different from others.
If many people are doing the same thing, we want to follow.
Many asvertisers often use this simple fact.
Here is an example. "Everyone sends messages with this cellular phone."
Advertisers tell peoplem, "Everyone is using it. Why don't you use it, too?"

Technique 3  Is sugarless gum good for your teeth?

Some advertisers use sentences that deceive people.
Here is an example.
"Most dentists recommend sugarless gum for people who chew gum."
When we hear it, many of us think that sugarless gum is good for our teeth because most dentists recommend it.
We forget that chewing gum is not good for our teeth.

Who wore the First Eyeglasses?

Nero, the emperor of Rome, used colored lenses.
He used them to watch fighting games.
Could he see better with the lenses?
We are not sure.
The first real eyeglsses were invented in 1284 or 1285.
However, no one knows exactly who invented them.
We only know that they were invented by an Italian./
In the 14th century, only rich people could use eyeglasses.
They were a symbol of wealth and power.
The invention of the printing press in 1456, however, changed the history of eyeglasses.  More and more people read books and more more people needed eyeglasses.
As a result, eyeglasses became an important part of every day life.

Interesting Facts About Eyeglasses

-Until the 18th century, eyeglasses had no arms.
People held the frame of the eyeglasses with one hand.
Sometimes they were just put on the nose and they often fell off.
Later, arms were aded to them.
-Leonardo da Vinci had an idea for contact lenses in 1508.
The first contact lenses, however, were made around 1905.
They were invented by a German.
-Sunglasses were first worn by judges in China.
The judges' decisions had to be a secret until the trial was over.
They used sunglasses to hide their eyes.

Holidays in Fall
Ghosts on Halloween

If you are interested in ghost stories, you may want to hear about Halloween.
On Halloween, which is October31, American children dress up as ghosts and monsters.
In the early evening, they go from door to door to collect candy.
When you open the door, the children shout, "Trick or treat!"
Then you put a treat into each child's bag.
Later, the children go to Halloween parties or get together to tell scary stories.
Some people believe that ghost and monsters come out on Halloween.So children dress up as ghosts or monsters to deceive the real gohst and monsters.

The Tomato War Festival in Sapin
What will happen if you throw tomatoes at others?
If course, you will be in big trouble.
In Sapin, howeverm you can throw tomatoes at others during the Tomato War Festival, La Tomatina.
Why?  Well, just for fun!
It is part of a week-long festival with music, fireworks, and food.

The Spanish people have celebrated this Tomato War Festival since 1944.
It began when people celebrated a good harvest of tomatoes.
They were so pleased that they began to throw tomatoes at one another.
Today, a large number of people from all over the world come to the festival to enjoy this friendly war.

Shichi-go-san Day
Shichi-go-san Day, which is Novemver 15, is a big holiday in Japan.
Parents pray for the healthy growth of their young children.
Shichi-go-san means seven, five, and three.
Boys go to Jinja with their parents when they are three and five.
Girls visit Jinja when they become three and seven.
Children used to wear traditional Japanese clothes on this day, but these days, some of them wear Western style dresses and suits.

The Angry Earth

What happened in Pompeii?

In 79A.D.,Mt.Vesuvius in Italy erupted.
Burning rocks fell on the city of Pompeii, and a huge cloud of volcanic gas and ash covered the city.
The ash was so hot that people couldn't get out of their houses.
Around 20,000people died inside their homes, and everything was buried except the roofs of some buildings.
After the eruption, the city was completely forgotten.
However, the city was found again in 1595.
Now people can visit pompeii and think about its last day.

How can we predict an earthquake?

Scientists can predict earthquakes and save many people's lives.
Earthquakes do not happen everywhere, but happen only in some places.
Therefore, scientists can predict them by studying their patterns.
They can also predict earthquakes by looking for strange behaviors in animals.
For example, before earthquakes, fish jump out of the water, and snakes leave their holes.

On February 4, 1975, scientists predicted an earthquake in China.
The scientists told the people in the qrea to leave.People left their houses and moved to safe areas.
That afternoon, a strong earthquake hit the area.
About 90% of the buildings in one city in that area were destroyed in a few seconds. Thanks to the scientists' prediction, more than 10,000people's lives were saved.

Let's Make the World a Better Place

Have you ever thought about helping others?
Have you ever done something to make the world a better place?
Here is a young man who has done something to make the world a better place.
When he was only 12 years old, he made an organization with his friends.
They did simple things such as planting trees and recycling cans.

He also wrote a book.  In the book, he shows us ways to help others and change the world.
He says that just 15 minutes a day is enought to make the world a better place.
In the book, he shows us things we can do in just 15 minutes a day.

Here are some ideas.
1.Collect old children's books and give them to a library.
2.Collect change in a jar for a whole month.  At the end of the month, count it and send the money to charity.
3.Many children and old people slip on ice and hurt themselves during the winter.
You can prevent accidents by cleaning the snow and ice in front of your house.
4.Give up one thing you want to do or buy each month.
Give the money you saved to charity.
You may give up your favorite food, or you may make fewer phone calls if you have a cellular phone.
5.Don't put things such as used batteries in your regular trash.
They can pollute the environment.

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